It Start with one family business called PT. Bank Karman ( Karya Mandiri ) that established on 1969 at Surabaya,with further business step on 1992 the board decided to changed corporate name into PT. Mega Bank and carried out to relocate their head office into Jakarta.
Along with the economic development PT. Mega Bank on 1996 being take over by PARA GROUP (PT. Para Global Investindo dan PT. Para Rekan Investama). In order to be well known as a trustworthy public financial service institution, the board decided to change the corporate logo with something that more familiar and easy to remember. And followed by changing the corporate name into PT. Bank Mega on year 2000.
Initial Public Offering and listed being held at either BEJ and BES, for strengthen our asset structure purposes. Thus some of PT. Bank Mega assets will be held by third party, alson changed the corporate name into PT. Bank Mega Tbk.
The time has come while the economic crisist stroke our country, but Bank Mega standing still and raise up as one of the healthiest local bank and keep on growing without any government aids along with other banks such as Citibank, Deutche Bank and HSBC.
With the new corporate motto "Mega Your Destination" Bank Mega performance growing faster and well maintained, also become well known as one of healthiest financial service institution which able to put equaly with several sophisticated banks in Asia Pacifics. Bank Mega Also received many local and overseas award with outstanding financial record either regional and international achivement.
Inorder to create an appropriate performance according to the main motto, PT. Bank Mega held the profesionalism, transparancy, and awareness fundametal atitude with outstanding healthy asset structure, products and updated banking facility. PT. Bank Mega Tbk. network station already reach 182 unit that includes branch office, subsidiary branch office, and Cash office either Priority Banking which spreads all over Indonesia major city.
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